Orientation advice by Host, to foreign guest at arrival

Orientation advice by Host, to foreign Guest at arrival
Host will actually show you and explain to you about all.

① There are 2 locks on entrance door, and 1 set keys for the locks are used by guests.
② Explnation about location of switches of "lights and outside light".
③ Explanation about "Operation" and "setting of temperature" of "Remote switch of water heater"
         and "bath room switch for additional heating"

④ A curtain for separation between bath room and kitchen room.
⑤    Explanation of refrigirator, ventilator, kind of seasoning and cooking oil. 
⑥ How to use Japanese style bath. ( may be use as europian style)
⑦ When use bath as Japanese style, the host will full the bathtub with new hot  water before guest
         return house, So better to know what time guests return.
         Bath-tub is used for warming body to relax not make body clean in bathtub and next person use
         the same hot water in bathtub, So everone shall make his body clean at outside of bathtub befor
         get into buthtub. Next morning owner will use hot water in bathtub, so don't exhaust the  

         remaind water in bathtub.
⑧ Hair-shampoo is in black bottle and body soap is in white bottle.

⑨    A new hand towel, a bath towel and a bath mat will be put in a box of guest-room.  
         Bring those to bath room and after use those, put those in washing machine.
         Owner washes those and make those dry in next day and return those in the box of guestroom
         If guest have clothes to need to wash, put those also in washing machine. Then host will wash
         and make dry same as towels.

         Also clean towels are kept on shelf in face-washing room, please use those when it is necessary
⑩ About washing machine, water level and Q'ty of detergent will be decided by weight of laundry.
⑪ Toilet shall be used by sit-down style on seat, not standing style.
         About controller of washlet will be explained by host. Hot water is not avilable for washlet,
         so, only center swith on controller is available.
⑫ There is a plastic sheet in guest room which shall be used to put suitcases. Locatin of the
         sheet may be changed to another room by request of guest.

⑬    Explanation about operation of TV, cooler, fun-heater, kotatsu (desk type heater), leg-less
         chairs. TV is only for local broad -cast. 

⑬ Location of face towel, bath towel, bath mat in guet room
⑭ Explanation about electrical mosquit killer
⑮ Explanation about Futon (Japanes style sleeping mat), variety and how to use those. Usually
        Futon will be stored in shelf type closet.
        Host will change Futon cover sheets for new guest and each 1 week.
⑯ How to open and close windows of guest room.
⑰   Host will keep a set of room key for sun-drying of Futon at fine day and for cleaning the room.
⑱   Explanation of jointed rod and string for sun-drying at veranda.
⑲   Explanation about location of Station, Bus stop, SuperMarcket,ConvenienceShop,
       PostOffice and Eating house,
⑳   Explanation about Kyoto-bus-map ,  Keihan discount ticket , Transportaion around Kinki



Where to stay to visit Kyoto, Osaka, Nara and other Kinki area.

How to arrive to Hirakata Koen (Park)station (KH20) which is nearest station from my guesthouse

To guests how to come to my guesthouse 関西空港または京都駅から宿へ