About the use of facilities


〇 日本人向け(Detail explanation)for Japanese ) 詳細説明 家ごと貸す場合

〇 英語    説明後の手渡しパンフレット 

〇 Usual orientation advice  (Japanese note for Host)

1)    電気・ガス・水の元栓












2)    入居時に、雨戸が閉鎖の場合には、ガラス窓を開けて、雨戸の下部の白いバーを押すと、茶色いバーが上に上がりロックが外れる。白いバーを押しても茶色いバーが上がりにくい場合は、白いバーを押しながら茶色いバーをつまんで引き上げる。

3)    給湯器・シャワーの取り扱い 給湯器本体は屋外側にある。


②   リモートスイッチへの供給電源スイッチがONであること。(通常on状態)



4) 風呂用追い炊き器の操作スイッチは、風呂内壁面に取り付けている。追い炊き器本体は壁の外にあり、操作用電源は、屋外の電池box内の電池である。操作表示が出ない時は電池(単一電池2)の取替が必要です。



















① 開館後初めて冷蔵庫を稼働する時には、後部の丸カバー部に水を入れる。
② 冷蔵庫に収納に際しては、保管物をポリ袋に入れて保管者の名前を記載すること。

11)ゲスト宿泊室の窓の開閉、と クーラーの操作、

  ① 宿泊室の道路側窓の両側の外開き窓を開放する場合には、網窓を下ろして虫の入るのを防止する。解放した窓を元に戻すには、網戸を上に押し上げ、扉の解放支柱の根元のボタンを押し下げながら引込むと扉はしまる。ボタンの押し下げがうまく出来ない時は、ボタンの下あたりのレバーを掴んで引き下げることで、ボタンは押し下がり、扉は稼働できるようになる。

  ② 窓用クーラーを稼働させる時には、クーラーの外側の窓や網戸は開放状態にして、ゴムスクレーパーで窓とクーラーの隙間を封じるようにする。


  ① 全ての雨戸(23か所・13か所)を閉めてロックする。(クーラーの後方も)

  ② 全てのガラス戸を閉めてロックする。(クーラーの後方も)。  

③ 2階宿泊室の道路側、両側の外開き窓を閉める。

④ 水道の栓を全て(台所・風呂・洗面所・洗濯機・屋外庭・屋外右側給湯器)閉める。

⑤ 裏の物置の扉の閉鎖を確認する。








〇 Advice to Foreign People.

1)     Main switch of Electric, Gas and Water. 

①“Mainswith-box of Electric is located upside of outside of toilet room.
     Open the box and the left side switch is main switch, and up the switch is on

② “Main valve of Water-line is located at front side of car-parking. Turn clock-side is close and un-clock side is open. Please confirm that slight move plate in the meter not moving.

“Main valve of Gas” is located at backside of car-parking and side of the house and just left side of gas-meter. Turn handle of clock-side is close and un-clock side to 90°is open. When turn the handle to open-side, button of root of the handle shall be pushed in by hard stick such as screw driver.

When lamp of gas meter is flickering, automatic stop-valve in the Gas-meter is close-position. Then stop valves of all the equipment in house. And then take a small cover of return-switch of the meter and push it for few seconds. After 1 to 3 minutes the flicker shall be end. Then you can use gas line.

There is a additional heating device of bath-tub at backside of house. (hot water or cold water will be supplied by water cock. Gas valve of it is open at unclock wise position and close at clockwise position.

There is a hot water supply gas equipment at right side of house. There are valves for water supply and gas supply, and each for equipment side and earth side. All are open at unclockwise position and close at clockwise position.

2)  When owner is not exist and guest will finally leave the guesthouse, glass windows shall be closed and main valve and main switch of Electric , gas and water shall be closed  and keys of door shall be locked and put the keys into post box.

3)  Hot water supply is done by above and controlled by follows.

Remote-switch is on the wall of inner side of kitchen. On and off of supply of hot water will be done by the remote-switch Temperature of hot-water is shown on the remote-switch and controlled by the   Switch when electrical line and remote switch is on situation.
  When ”cock of hot water line at bath and face wash stand and kitchen” is opend, hot water will be run out. Hot water cock of washing machine does not work.

4) Additional heating of water in bath tub will be done by control switch on the wall of bath room. Additional heater is setted at outside of wall and controlled by the inside switch which is work by size D batteries set at outside.
      ①on off and set of timer done by contrall switc in bath room. On the switch, the timer  (minutes) is setted most right side switch in cover. Left side switch of the cover (center swith) is "on/off switch" and the leftside of it is fire-on switch. Most left switch is "fire-off switch".
      ②After push on/off switch and burning time is shown on switc, continue to push the fire-on swith till figure of flame will be appeared. It shows that fire is on.
      ③Temperture is low at winter, sometimes shows error code 11 insted of figure of flame.Then push on/off switch to off-situation. And then again do above procedure maybe several times.
      ④When stop heating, push the most left off-switch.

  5)   Instruction to How to use Japanese Style Bath

   Bath tab is used to warm body not to use soap in it.

      ②Bath tab is usually filled with hot water before you go into bathroom. So please inform to    
           host, what time you want to take bath.
      ③Usually all guest use same hot water not change hot water.
      ④Therefor before get into basth tub, you must wash off babble and dirts on your body.
      ⑤Please always reminded that another person use same hot water in bathtub.
      ⑥Before you leave bath room, please fill bath tub with hot water for next person. You are the   
           last guest to use the bath tub on the day, you need not do so.

6)       Black bottle is for hair, and white bottle is for body.
7)       When you go to bath romm, bring your hand-towel, bath towl and foot mat, and after you  
           used put those in washing machine. Host will wash next morning and dry it on veranda if you  
           don't mind.
8)        There are new towels and mat on the rack besides the face-washing stand. Please take new  
           ones  to your room. And also put those in washing machine after used.
9)        To last guest to use bath room, please open the window of bath room and set a cover on bath
           tub to use hot water for washing  but only for  first washing.
10)     Operation of washing machine
          Select water level accoding to weight of clothes and put in detergent suitable to it. And then 
           power on. Do not forget to turn un-clockwise the water cock.
11)     How to use wash-let of toilet
    Use only center switch which contral strength of water flow. And no vibration function for
           the device, so move your hip. 
12)      About keys of entrance door.
           There are two locks on the entrance door. Use the key with mark for lower lock and the key 
           with no mark is for upper lock. Outside  light will be on over night.
13)    Use stiring or jointed rod, hang out washings. Jointed rod and string shall be storaged inside.
14)    When use gas, ventirating fan shall be put on. And finishied gas, shall put off it.
15)   refrigerator
        ① Before start refrigerator, fill water in top cover of compressor.
        ② Materials kept in the refrigerator, shall be put in poly bags which are  
              written name of owner of those on it.
16)    Opening and shutting of the outopening window, and operation of wind cooler
         ① Open the outopening window of guest room, up a net window and Open luch then push  
                 the outopening window. and then down the net window.
         ②   Closing the outopening window, up the net-window, push down a protrusion of bar and
                 pull the window. When it is hard to push down the protrusion, pull down the bar under the
         ③ When operate the window cooler, make outside windows open and then put on the cooler.
                 Clearance between the glass window and the cooler shallb e sealed by rubber slipper.

17)    Befor final leave from the guesthouse, do these when the owner is not exsist.

          ①  Close all storm windows and grass windows including outside of a cooler.
          ②  Lock all the windows.
          ③  Close the out-opening windows of guest room and close the raches.
          ④  Close All the foucets (kitchen, bathroom, face washing room, washing machine, front 
                 girden, outside heater of water (machinside and ground side)
          ⑤  Confirm the closing of backside storage.
          ⑥  Put off the mainswitch of electric box.
          ⑦  Close the main valve of water line and confirm that slight move plate in the meter
               not moving.
          ⑧  Shut down the gas main valve.
          ⑨  Lock 2 locks of the entrance door
          ⑩  Put the keys in post box.

〇 Usual orientation advice by Owner, to foreign guest at arrival
① 玄関の鍵 2
② 各電気スイッチの場所 夜間の門前灯
③ 風呂、遠隔スイッチ、追炊きスイッチ 温度設定 操作方法 台所との仕切カーテン
台所 ガス器具の使い方、換気扇、冷蔵庫、調味料、油

④ 風呂、日本式の使い方、と 洋式使い方
⑤ 風呂、日本式の場合の、湯は帰宅時間に合わせて入れておく、体を外で洗い、風呂タブは体を暖める。(家主は昼間に済ませて、新しい水を入れる)
⑥ hairシャンプーとbodyシャンプー 
⑦ タオル・風呂マット・下着を洗濯機に
⑧ 洗濯機の使い方 洗濯代行OK
⑨ トイレ 常に座って使うこと、WaterWashの強度は中央スイッチのみ
⑩ 部屋の荷物用シート
⑪ TV操作 クーラー操作 ヒーター操作 こたつ 座椅子の使い方 タオル類の説明
⑫ FaceTowel BathTowel BathMatの確認 
⑬ 蚊取器の確認
⑭ 布団の種類と敷き方 (一週間ごとにシーツ変更)
⑮ 部屋の掃除、布団の乾燥のため、部屋鍵を預かる
⑯ ベランダ 継竿と紐 乾燥物の仕舞を代行   
⑰ 周辺説明 ToStationSuperMarcketComvinienceShopPostOfficeRestaurant
⑱ 京都バスmap 京阪DiscountTicket Transportation説明



Where to stay to visit Kyoto, Osaka, Nara and other Kinki area.

How to arrive to Hirakata Koen (Park)station (KH20) which is nearest station from my guesthouse

To guests how to come to my guesthouse 関西空港または京都駅から宿へ