Kyoto cherry blossom points where it's not so crowded.

It is hard to find the points where it is not so crowded at cherry blossom season. So search in webs and wrote below where supposed to be not so crowded. But I am not sure.

kyoto cherry blossom spots less peouple

Biwa-lake canal and Keage to nanzenji-temple and Chion-in
Biwa-lake canal is rather outside of Kyoto, therefore not so many peoples go. And the area is written in "Exploring in Kinki Area" in this blog. Chion-in is south-east of Keage.

半木の道 (Nakaragi path) along Kamo-river to Kyoto botanic girden.
this is long distance area, so feel not so crowded.

Nishijin area (Suika tenjin, Myoren temple, Uho-in, Honryu-temple and Syakado) is not so famous.
西陣 京都で一番小さな桜の名所「水火天満宮」、日蓮が入滅したときに開花した桜「妙蓮寺」、西陣の隠れた花の寺「雨宝院」、松と本堂と桜のコントラストが美しい「本隆寺」、桜のカーテン「千本釈迦堂」。

Kyoto animal zoo is not famous for cherry blossoms but beautiful.

Fushimi  castle and cyu-syo-jima are not so famous but beautiful

Nara nishi-no-kyo area such as Tousyoudaiji temple and yakushi-temple are rather far from other view points. Also Houryuji temple is far from other view points.



Where to stay to visit Kyoto, Osaka, Nara and other Kinki area.

How to arrive to Hirakata Koen (Park)station (KH20) which is nearest station from my guesthouse

To guests how to come to my guesthouse 関西空港または京都駅から宿へ