From Fushimi habour park to Fushimi station along Biwa-lake canal

Fushimi-harbour park
This park is near Cyuusyo-jima station of Keihan station.
there is a River called Uji-rver south side of the Park , from the harbour small ships went to Osaka till 100years ago. Also there is a big pond named Ogura-Ike southside of Cyuusyo-jima about 70years ago. Ike means pond and Shima means island, So Cyuusyo-jima shuld be a island in old time.
Uji-river come from Biwa-lake and flowed into the Oguraike in old time and then flowed into Yodo-river.
Ogura-pondo was reclaimed from old time and finally pomp-uped after second war, so now there is a Uodo-river and low level land there.

 south end of Biwa-ko cannal ( ko means lake)
At here shipps come from Kyoto is step down to lower level of Uji-river and go to Osaka area.
Water of the cannal is led from Biwa lake through long cannal arong Yamanashi mountain and  tunnel through mountains constructed 200years ago.

 market street (still early morning)

Main street of fushimi-momoyama station of Keihan Railway
Also this street is Oote-Dori ( meens main street around castle ) of Momoyama casstle Castle
From Fushimi momoyamastation to north-east there is a Momoyama Castle., which is made by Hideyoshi de Toyotomi. Tanba-bashi station is nearer to Momoyama castle.
Next  go there from Tanaba-bashi station



Where to stay to visit Kyoto, Osaka, Nara and other Kinki area.

How to arrive to Hirakata Koen (Park)station (KH20) which is nearest station from my guesthouse

To guests how to come to my guesthouse 関西空港または京都駅から宿へ