HirakataPark Guesthouse (枚方パークゲストハウス) to KYOTO, NARA, OSAKA

Cheap budget Japanese style guesthouse which is located in convenient & quiet residential area near Osaka, Kyoto and Nara.
HirakataPark Guesthouse to KYOTO, NARA, OSAKA. 
Basically Minimum 2 ~ 4 nights depend on season and No smoking)
-----Gusehouse for tourist to Kyoto and Nara and Osaka and Kobe-----

This guesthouse is located in HIrakata Park area where just center of  Kyoto, Nara, Osaka and Kobe and is available usually from middle of March to middle of July and from middle of September to end of Octover. But guesthouse will be opened according to special offer by guests.
Nearest Station is Hirakata Park station of KEIHAN-Railway. Also from near bus stop, it is easy to go Takatsuki station of JR and Hankyu-Railway. It takes 30 min to Kyoto and Osaka, 40min to Nara
from Hirakata-park station and 1.5~2.0 hours to  KIX-osaka airport.
So、persons who try to tour to Kyoto and Nara and Osaka and Kobe, Please stay here and please contact me.

Also you can reserve through Air bnb or Booking .com

No meals but there are food shops and restaurants near the house.
I offer you 1 room (for max 2 person, but we have at least 2 more empty rooms on 1st floor (not ground floor) so for 1 group more persons can stay). A bathroom and a toilet shear with owner but owner use and clean the bathroom in daytime only when you are out for sight seeing , and if guest stay more than week, owner will go to trip and guest can themselve manage the house.
no meals but you can use kitchen, cocking devices, refrigerator and also washing machine. TV,bath towel, hand towel, bath mat, teeth brush, hair-dryer are equipped.
Room and bath are all Japanese style and also use Japanese FUTON for sleeping.
I propose those 4,000~4500Japanese yen ($30~38)/room/day depend on season and 500yen ($3) for use of heater or cooler.
The place of the house is 34.807247, 135.631551
10~15 min walk from HirakataParkStation. 1.5~2.0 hours from   KIX-osaka airport by trains.

We have no WiFi.
No iron for cloth.
All area is no smoking.

Payment; Only by cash ; there is a ATM of Post office near this guesthouse.
4,000~4500Japanese Yen/Day.Room (+500Japanese Yen/Day for cooler or heater).

Cancel Policy;
You can cansel your reservasion before 10days of the reserved date without charge. 

Please contact me who is interested about the Guesthouse.
Also you can reserve through Air bnb or Booking .com

Adress of the house
Post No. 573-0066      ikaga-nishimachi 83-23 hirakata city osaka prefecture.
(Be careful that 83-23 ikaga-nishimachi does not show the location in google map)
Aproved No by City   M270000139

枚方パークゲストハウス (最低3泊 及び 禁煙 )


施設の住所は、枚方市伊加賀西町83-23 で 位置は、グーグルで 34.807247, 135.631551


4,000~4500円/日 クーラーや暖房機の使用時は、500円/日を別途とします。



若しくは、airbnb booking.com でも予約できます。しかし、booking.comは、双方の都合に関係なく予約が決まるため、予約期間を厳しくしています。airbnbは融通が利き、開所していない場合でも相談に応じれることがあります。

住所 〒573-0066 大阪府枚方市伊加賀西町83-23
市への民泊届出番号 第M270000139

Guesthouse and the sun terrass drying clothes and Futons (Japanese sleepig mat)

 car parking

room with cold season's furniture

kitchen room 

face washing room and a cloth washing machine

bath room with bath tub and shower

toilet room

Scenery around the guesthouse

 Very interesting, but I am afraid that it suppose be rebuild soon.

ACCESS; Please reffer the explanation and the TRAIN MAP
HirakataPark is the station of KEIHAN-Railway between Yodoyabashi and Kyoto.
You can go from KIX by NANKAI-Railway(durk green) to Nanba and change to Subway(metro  of red dot line) Midosuji Line to Yodoyabashi and change to Keihan Railway(thin purple line).
You can use otherline, but you can buy cheapest ticket of Nannkai-metro ticket to Yodoyabashi by 1000en, however you cannot get on" Special Express of Nankai" only by this ticket.
At the Yodoyabashi, when the Special express is just starting, get on it and it does not stop at HirakataParc (HirakataKoen),but stop at HirakataCity. Then back 1 station by Local train.

Please call me before your arrival, then I will wait for you at HIrakataPark Station. And lead you to the guesthouse on foot. There is no car in guesthouse .




Where to stay to visit Kyoto, Osaka, Nara and other Kinki area.

How to arrive to Hirakata Koen (Park)station (KH20) which is nearest station from my guesthouse

To guests how to come to my guesthouse 関西空港または京都駅から宿へ