Town walk in Kyoto, Nara, and Osaka

About  Town walk and maps in Kyoto, Nara and Osaka, There are many books in book stores. Those book are named as " Town walk in Kyoto", "Town walk in Nara" and "Town walk in Osaka". However those are written in Japanese. But there are many pictures and arrow marks about town walk's routes on those, so if you get detail information from host about starting point, and train, you can walk following the maps.
I prepare books in my guesthouse and supply you copies of those and explain to you about starting point and route of the walking. Enjoy town-walks and shopping.
Example a cover of "Osaka town walk"
Exsamle of Town walk map around Osaka castle.
By the way Oska castle is located along Keiha Railway.

 Osaka transportation cost and discount ticket

Osaka-Sakai Transportation


Area circular bus and transportaion ship of harbor area



Where to stay to visit Kyoto, Osaka, Nara and other Kinki area.

How to arrive to Hirakata Koen (Park)station (KH20) which is nearest station from my guesthouse

To guests how to come to my guesthouse 関西空港または京都駅から宿へ