From Fushimi habour park to Fushimi station along Biwa-lake canal
Fushimi-harbour park This park is near Cyuusyo-jima station of Keihan station. there is a River called Uji-rver south side of the Park , from the harbour small ships went to Osaka till 100years ago. Also there is a big pond named Ogura-Ike southside of Cyuusyo-jima about 70years ago. Ike means pond and Shima means island, So Cyuusyo-jima shuld be a island in old time. Uji-river come from Biwa-lake and flowed into the Oguraike in old time and then flowed into Yodo-river. Ogura-pondo was reclaimed from old time and finally pomp-uped after second war, so now there is a Uodo-river and low level land there. south end of Biwa-ko cannal ( ko means lake) At here shipps come from Kyoto is step down to lower level of Uji-river and go to Osaka area. Water of the cannal is led from Biwa lake through long cannal arong Yamanashi mountain and tunnel through mountains constructed 200years ago. ...