
7月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

From Tou (East)-Fuku (happy)-Ji (temple) to Fushimi-Inari

provided by http://hirakataparkguesthouse.blogspot.com/2018/04/hirakatapark-guesthouse-to-kyoto-nara.html About Fushimi inari there are many webs. https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3915.html Also many webs about Tofukuji. https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3930.html You can go from Tofukuji to Fushimi inari through higashi(east)-yama(mountain) . In here I will introduce you the way. Root map is as follows. http://www43.tok2.com/home/hikeaomori/far/kyoto/fushimi_inari/map_fushimi_inari.html https://openmatome.net/matome/view.php?q=14798004928090 map of Fushimi-inari is this. http://inari.jp/trip/map01/ Get down at To(east)-Fuku(happy)-Ji (temple) of Keihan Railway or JR, then along east side of the railways to south arrive at long street to Temple Gate (kusaka gate). There is a famous Tsuu(pas to -)ten(Heven)-Kyou(Bridge) at north side of Kusaka-gate. Many big structures are continueing to south side of the b...

to Momoyama castle

provided by http://hirakataparkguesthouse.blogspot.com/2018/04/hirakatapark-guesthouse-to-kyoto-nara.html higashi-yama means higashi(east ) yama(mountain). And actually it means the mountains which continuous at east side of Kyoto city (Kyoto basin). Usually north-side-end  Hiei-mountain to south-side-end Inari-yama. there is a valley at south of the Inari-mountain, so mountain-range named Higashi-yama is interruped at there. And Uji-river go throu the Valley from Biwa-lake to Uji and then to west.  Usually army attack to Kyoto from east go through the valley and cross over the river at Uji to attack to Kyoto, so fight between defence army and attacking army at Uji. In the valley , Between Inari-yama and Uji-river, there is a small hill. Momoyama castle was constructed on the hill by Hideyoshi de Toyotomi. From Tanba-bashi station of Keihan-railway, gentle slope is continueing  to east  along old Samurai residence area where Subordinates of H...

Web-site which introduce Japan by foreigners to foreigners.

provided by http://hirakataparkguesthouse.blogspot.com/2018/04/hirakatapark-guesthouse-to-kyoto-nara.html There are many site which introduce Japan. From there I will study how they explain the place where I visit. Japan guide        https://www.japan-guide.com/ MATCHA          https://matcha-jp.com/ tsunagu Japan     https://www.tsunagujapan.com/ ラーチーゴージャパン   http://www.geelee.co.jp/work/worksletsgojp/ 絶景ジャパン   http://jp.zekkeijapan.com/ time out Tokyo  https://www.timeout.jp/tokyo/ja metropolis            https://metropolisjapan.com/ Gaijin Pot             https://gaijinpot.com/ja/ 1) old street of cyusyo-jima and fushimi     This was introduced by Japan Guide as follows.     https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3938.html  ...